---@type LazySpec
return {
	event = "VeryLazy",
	lazy = false,
	version = false, -- set this if you want to always pull the latest change
	opts = {
		provider = "copilot",
		copilot = {
			model = "claude-3.5-sonnet",
		vendors = {
			---@type AvanteProvider
			ollama = {
				["local"] = true,
				endpoint = "",
				model = "llama3",
				parse_curl_args = function(opts, code_opts)
					return {
						url = opts.endpoint .. "/chat/completions",
						headers = {
							["Accept"] = "application/json",
							["Content-Type"] = "application/json",
						body = {
							model = opts.model,
							messages = require("avante.providers").copilot.parse_message(code_opts), -- you can make your own message, but this is very advanced
							max_tokens = 2048,
							stream = true,
				parse_response_data = function(data_stream, event_state, opts)
					require("avante.providers").openai.parse_response(data_stream, event_state, opts)
		mappings = {
			ask = "<leader>ma",
			edit = "<leader>me",
			refresh = "<leader>mr",
		keys = function(_, keys)
			---@type avante.Config
			local opts = require("lazy.core.plugin").values(

			local mappings = {
					function() require("avante.api").ask() end,
					desc = "avante: ask",
					mode = { "n", "v" },
					function() require("avante.api").refresh() end,
					desc = "avante: refresh",
					mode = "v",
					function() require("avante.api").edit() end,
					desc = "avante: edit",
					mode = { "n", "v" },
			mappings = vim.tbl_filter(function(m) return m[1] and #m[1] > 0 end, mappings)
			return vim.list_extend(mappings, keys)
	-- if you want to build from source then do `make BUILD_FROM_SOURCE=true`
	build = "make",
	-- build = "powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File Build.ps1 -BuildFromSource false" -- for windows
	dependencies = {
		--- The below dependencies are optional,
		"nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons", -- or echasnovski/mini.icons
		"zbirenbaum/copilot.lua", -- for providers='copilot'
			-- support for image pasting
			event = "VeryLazy",
			opts = {
				-- recommended settings
				default = {
					embed_image_as_base64 = false,
					prompt_for_file_name = false,
					drag_and_drop = {
						insert_mode = true,
					-- required for Windows users
					use_absolute_path = true,
			-- Make sure to set this up properly if you have lazy=true
			opts = {
				file_types = { "markdown", "Avante" },
			ft = { "markdown", "Avante" },