#!/usr/bin/env sh ## set variables ## BaseDir=`dirname $(realpath $0)` ConfDir="$HOME/.config" ThemeCtl="$ConfDir/swww/wall.ctl" ThumbDir="$ConfDir/swww/Themes-Ctl" RofiConf="$ConfDir/rofi/themeselect.rasi" ## show and apply theme ## if [ -z "$1" ] ; then ThemeSel=$(cat $ThemeCtl | while read line do thm=`echo $line | cut -d '|' -f 2` wal=`echo $line | cut -d '|' -f 3` echo -en "$thm\x00icon\x1f$ThumbDir/${thm}.png\n" done | rofi -dmenu -config $RofiConf) if [ ! -z $ThemeSel ] ; then ${BaseDir}/themeswitch.sh -s $ThemeSel fi ## regenerate thumbnails ## elif [ "$1" == "T" ] ; then echo "refreshing thumbnails..." cat $ThemeCtl | while read line do thm=`echo $line | cut -d '|' -f 2` wal=`echo $line | cut -d '|' -f 3` wal=`eval echo $wal` echo "croping image from wallpaper $ThumbDir/${thm}_tmp.png..." convert $wal -gravity Center -crop 1080x1080+0+0 $ThumbDir/${thm}_tmp.png echo "applying rounded corner mask and generating $ThumbDir/${thm}.png..." #convert -size 1080x1080 xc:none -draw "roundrectangle 0,0,1080,1080,80,80" $ThumbDir/roundedmask.png convert $ThumbDir/${thm}_tmp.png -matte $ThumbDir/roundedmask.png -compose DstIn -composite $ThumbDir/${thm}.png rm $ThumbDir/${thm}_tmp.png done fi