## ## Utility Functions ## function _smooth_fzf() { local fname local current_dir="$PWD" cd "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/.config}" fname="$(fzf)" || return $EDITOR "$fname" cd "$current_dir" } function _sudo_replace_buffer() { local old=$1 new=$2 space=${2:+ } # if the cursor is positioned in the $old part of the text, make # the substitution and leave the cursor after the $new text if [[ $CURSOR -le ${#old} ]]; then BUFFER="${new}${space}${BUFFER#$old }" CURSOR=${#new} # otherwise just replace $old with $new in the text before the cursor else LBUFFER="${new}${space}${LBUFFER#$old }" fi } function _sudo_command_line() { # If line is empty, get the last run command from history [[ -z $BUFFER ]] && LBUFFER="$(fc -ln -1)" # Save beginning space local WHITESPACE="" if [[ ${LBUFFER:0:1} = " " ]]; then WHITESPACE=" " LBUFFER="${LBUFFER:1}" fi { # If $SUDO_EDITOR or $VISUAL are defined, then use that as $EDITOR # Else use the default $EDITOR local EDITOR=${SUDO_EDITOR:-${VISUAL:-$EDITOR}} # If $EDITOR is not set, just toggle the sudo prefix on and off if [[ -z "$EDITOR" ]]; then case "$BUFFER" in sudo\ -e\ *) _sudo_replace_buffer "sudo -e" "" ;; sudo\ *) _sudo_replace_buffer "sudo" "" ;; *) LBUFFER="sudo $LBUFFER" ;; esac return fi # Check if the typed command is really an alias to $EDITOR # Get the first part of the typed command local cmd="${${(Az)BUFFER}[1]}" # Get the first part of the alias of the same name as $cmd, or $cmd if no alias matches local realcmd="${${(Az)aliases[$cmd]}[1]:-$cmd}" # Get the first part of the $EDITOR command ($EDITOR may have arguments after it) local editorcmd="${${(Az)EDITOR}[1]}" # Note: ${var:c} makes a $PATH search and expands $var to the full path # The if condition is met when: # - $realcmd is '$EDITOR' # - $realcmd is "cmd" and $EDITOR is "cmd" # - $realcmd is "cmd" and $EDITOR is "cmd --with --arguments" # - $realcmd is "/path/to/cmd" and $EDITOR is "cmd" # - $realcmd is "/path/to/cmd" and $EDITOR is "/path/to/cmd" # or # - $realcmd is "cmd" and $EDITOR is "cmd" # - $realcmd is "cmd" and $EDITOR is "/path/to/cmd" # or # - $realcmd is "cmd" and $EDITOR is /alternative/path/to/cmd that appears in $PATH if [[ "$realcmd" = (\$EDITOR|$editorcmd|${editorcmd:c}) \ || "${realcmd:c}" = ($editorcmd|${editorcmd:c}) ]] \ || builtin which -a "$realcmd" | command grep -Fx -q "$editorcmd"; then _sudo_replace_buffer "$cmd" "sudo -e" return fi # Check for editor commands in the typed command and replace accordingly case "$BUFFER" in $editorcmd\ *) _sudo_replace_buffer "$editorcmd" "sudo -e" ;; \$EDITOR\ *) _sudo_replace_buffer '$EDITOR' "sudo -e" ;; sudo\ -e\ *) _sudo_replace_buffer "sudo -e" "$EDITOR" ;; sudo\ *) _sudo_replace_buffer "sudo" "" ;; *) LBUFFER="sudo $LBUFFER" ;; esac } always { # Preserve beginning space LBUFFER="${WHITESPACE}${LBUFFER}" # Redisplay edit buffer (compatibility with zsh-syntax-highlighting) zle redisplay } } function _vi_search_fix() { zle vi-cmd-mode zle .vi-history-search-backward } function toppy() { history | awk '{CMD[$2]++;count++;}END { for (a in CMD)print CMD[a] " " CMD[a]/count*100 "% " a;}' | grep -v "./" | column -c3 -s " " -t | sort -nr | nl | head -n 21 } function cd() { builtin cd "$@" && command ls --group-directories-first --color=auto -F } function git-svn(){ if [[ ! -z "$1" && ! -z "$2" ]]; then echo "Starting clone/copy ..." repo=$(echo $1 | sed 's/\/$\|.git$//') svn export "$repo/trunk/$2" else echo "Use: git-svn " fi } # vim:ft=sh