#!/usr/bin/env sh roconf="~/.config/rofi/clipboard.rasi" case $1 in c) cliphist list | rofi -dmenu -theme-str 'entry { placeholder: "Copy...";}' -config $roconf | cliphist decode | wl-copy ;; d) cliphist list | rofi -dmenu -theme-str 'entry { placeholder: "Delete...";}' -config $roconf | cliphist delete ;; w) if [ `echo -e "Yes\nNo" | rofi -dmenu -theme-str 'entry { placeholder: "Clear Clipboard History?";}' -config $roconf` == "Yes" ] ; then cliphist wipe fi ;; t) echo "" echo "󰅇 clipboard history" ;; *) echo "cliphist.sh [action]" echo "c : cliphist list and copy selected" echo "d : cliphist list and delete selected" echo "w : cliphist wipe database" echo "t : display tooltip" ;; esac