// Color map let colorPalette = { rosewater: "#f5e0dc", flamingo: "#f2cdcd", pink: "#f5c2e7", maroon: "#eba0ac", red: "#f38ba8", peach: "#fab387", yellow: "#f9e2af", green: "#a6e3a1", teal: "#94e2d5", blue: "#89b4fa", sky: "#89dceb", mauve: "#cba6f7", lavender: "#b4befe", white: "#d9e0ee" } // waitForElement borrowed from: // https://github.com/morpheusthewhite/spicetify-themes/blob/master/Dribbblish/dribbblish.js function waitForElement(els, func, timeout = 100) { const queries = els.map(el => document.querySelector(el)); if (queries.every(a => a)) { func(queries); } else if (timeout > 0) { setTimeout(waitForElement, 300, els, func, --timeout); } } // Return the color label for a given hex color value function getKeyByValue(object, value) { return Object.keys(object).find(key => object[key] === value.trim()); } // Used to select matching equalizer-animated-COLOR.gif waitForElement([".Root"], (root) => { let spiceEq = getComputedStyle(document.querySelector(":root")).getPropertyValue("--spice-equalizer"); let eqColor = getKeyByValue(colorPalette, spiceEq); root[0].classList.add(`catppuccin-eq-${eqColor}`); });