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2024-07-11 00:01:49 +05:30
"desktop-auth.login.signup-time-out": "Signup timed out, please try again",
"desktop-auth.login.login-time-out": "Login timed out, please try again",
"desktop-auth.login.millions-of-songs": "Millions of songs.",
"": "Free on Spotify.",
"desktop.login.LoginButton": "Log in",
"desktop.login.SignupHeroText": "Sign up for a free Spotify account.",
"desktop.login.SignupAlmostDone": "Almost done",
"desktop.login.DontHaveAnAccountSignup": "Don't have an account? <u>Signup</u>",
"desktop.login.LoginHeroText": "Log in to continue.",
"desktop.login.SignupOr": "OR",
"desktop.login.ContinueWithFacebook": "Continue with Facebook",
"desktop.login.ContinueWithGoogle": "Continue with Google",
"desktop.login.ContinueWithApple": "Continue with Apple",
"desktop.login.PreferencesLink": "Settings",
"desktop.login.Back": "Back",
"desktop-auth.login.not-seeing-browser": "Not seeing the browser tab?",
"desktop-auth.login.try-again": "Try again",
"desktop-auth.login.go-to-browser-signup": "Go to your browser to continue",
"desktop-auth.login.go-to-browser-login": "Go to your browser to log in",
"desktop-auth.login.log-in-with-browser": "Log in",
"": "New to Spotify?",
"desktop-auth.login.sign-up-with-browser": "Sign up free",
"desktop.login.LoginWithEmailTitle": "Log in with your username or email address",
"desktop.login.LoginUsernameOrEmail": "Email or username",
"desktop.login.LoginPassword": "Password",
"desktop.login.forgotPassLink": "Reset Password",
"desktop.login.RememberMeLabel": "Remember me",
"": {
"one": "There is {0} error Sform, please fix it before submitting.",
"other": "There are {0} errors in this form, please fix them before submitting."
"desktop.login.SignupEmail": "Email",
"desktop.login.CreateAPassword": "Create a password",
"desktop.login.SignupName": "What should we call you?",
"desktop.login.SendEmailImplicitLabel": "We may send you emails with news or promotions occasionally. Go to your Email notifications page to control the messages we send.",
"desktop.login.SendEmailLabel": "Please send me Spotify marketing messages.",
"desktop.login.Female": "Female",
"desktop.login.Male": "Male",
"desktop.login.NonBinary": "Non-binary",
"desktop.login.gender.Other": "Other",
"desktop.login.gender.PreferNotToSay": "Prefer not to say",
"desktop.login.WhatsYourSignupBirthDate": "What's your date of birth?",
"desktop.login.WhatsYourSignupGender": "What's your gender?",
"desktop.login.Continue": "Continue",
"desktop.login.SignupButton": "Join Spotify",
"desktop.login.AlreadyOnSpotifyLogin": "Already on Spotify? <u>Login</u>",
"desktop.login.birthDate.incomplete": "Please enter your date of birth",
"desktop.login.birthDate.invalid": "Please enter a valid date of birth",
"desktop.login.password.valueMissing": "Please choose a password",
"desktop.login.password.tooShort": "Please use at least 8 characters for your password",
"": "Please enter your email",
"": "Please enter a valid email",
"": "Please enter a name",
"desktop.login.gender.valueMissing": "Please indicate your gender",
"desktop.login.agreeEula.notAccepted": "Please accept the terms and conditions to continue.",
"desktop.login.UnknownLoginErrorMessage": "Service is temporarily unavailable, please try again later.",
"desktop.login.DefaultErrorMessage": "A firewall may be blocking Spotify. Please update your firewall to allow Spotify. Additionally you could try changing the currently used <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"%0%\">proxy settings</a>",
"desktop.login.SessionTerminatedMessage": "Your session has been terminated",
"desktop.login.SessionExpiredMessage": "Your session has expired, please try again.",
"desktop.login.BadCredentialsMessage": "The username or password is incorrect.",
"desktop.login.ErrorResolvingDNS": "No internet connection detected.",
"desktop.login.ErrorProxyUnauthorized": "Your internet network is blocking Spotify. Contact your network administrator to get access.",
"desktop.login.ErrorProxyForbidden": "Your internet network is blocking Spotify. Contact your network administrator to get access.",
"desktop.login.ErrorProxyAuthRequired": "Your internet network is blocking Spotify. Contact your network administrator or change your <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"%0%\">proxy settings</a>.",
"desktop.login.CriticalUpdate": "Your client is being updated.",
"desktop.login.UserBannedMessage": "Account disabled.",
"desktop.login.UserNotAllowedOnPlatformMessage": "Use of this device is not enabled for your account.",
"desktop.login.MissingUserInfoMessage": "User profile is not fully updated, please <a href=\"%0%\">update your profile</a> and log out and back in again.",
"desktop.login.RegionMismatchMessage": "Your country does not match the one set in your profile. To continue use, <a href=\"%0%\">update your profile</a> or <a href=\"%1%\">upgrade your Spotify account</a>.",
"desktop.login.PremiumUsersOnlyMessage": "This app is restricted to Premium users only.",
"desktop.login.CreateUserDeniedMessage": "Email is already connected to another user.",
"desktop.login.ClientUpdateFail": "Please download the <a href=\"%0%\">latest version</a> from the Spotify web site.",
"desktop.login.FbUserNotFoundSignUp": "You do not have a Spotify account connected to your Facebook account. If you have a Spotify account, please log in with your Spotify credentials. If you do not have a Spotify account, <a href=\"#\" data-action=\"%0%\">sign up</a>.",
"desktop.login.errorCode": "(Error code: {0})",
"desktop.login.January": "January",
"desktop.login.February": "February",
"desktop.login.March": "March",
"desktop.login.April": "April",
"desktop.login.May": "May",
"desktop.login.June": "June",
"desktop.login.July": "July",
"desktop.login.August": "August",
"desktop.login.September": "September",
"desktop.login.October": "October",
"desktop.login.November": "November",
"desktop.login.December": "December",
"desktop.login.Year": "Year",
"desktop.login.Month": "Month",
"desktop.login.Day": "Day",
"desktop.login.TermsAndConditions": "Spotify's Terms and Conditions of Use",
"desktop.login.PrivacyPolicy": "Privacy Policy",
"desktop.login.SignupAgree": "By clicking {0}, you agree to {1}.",
"desktop.login.PrivacyPolicyAgree": "To learn more about how Spotify collects, uses, shares and protects your personal data please read Spotify's {0}.",
"desktop.login.SignupAgreeCheckboxSpecificLicenses": "I hereby agree to {0}.",
"desktop.login.SignupAgreeCheckbox": "I agree to {0} and {1}.",
"desktop.login.TermsOfServiceAgreeCheckbox": "I agree to {0}.",
"desktop.login.PrivacyPolicyAgreeCheckbox": "I consent to the collection, processing and use of my personal information as further described in {0}.",
"desktop.login.SignupButtonFacebookNirvana": "Sign up with Facebook",
"desktop.settings.proxy.autodetect": "Autodetect settings",
"desktop.settings.proxy.noproxy": "No proxy",
"desktop.settings.proxy.http": "HTTP",
"desktop.settings.proxy.socks4": "SOCKS4",
"desktop.settings.proxy.socks5": "SOCKS5",
"desktop.settings.proxy.title": "Proxy Settings",
"desktop.settings.proxy.type": "Proxy type",
"": "Host",
"desktop.settings.proxy.port": "Port",
"desktop.settings.proxy.user": "Username",
"desktop.settings.proxy.pass": "Password",
"settings.restartApp": "Restart App"