import OpenAI from "openai"; import { saveApiUsage } from "../usage"; import axios from "axios"; import fs from "fs"; import { RunnableToolFunctionWithParse } from "openai/lib/RunnableFunction.mjs"; import { ChatCompletion, ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam, ChatCompletionMessageParam, } from "openai/resources/index.mjs"; import { send_sys_log } from "../interfaces/log"; import { pathInDataDir } from "../config"; const ai_token = process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY?.trim(); const groq_token = process.env.GROQ_API_KEY?.trim(); const groq_baseurl = process.env.GROQ_BASE_URL?.trim(); // Messages saving implementation interface MessageHistory { messages: ChatCompletionMessageParam[]; timeout: NodeJS.Timer; } const seedMessageHistories: Map = new Map(); const HISTORY_TIMEOUT_MS = 10 * 60 * 1000; /** * Retrieves the message history for a given seed. * If it doesn't exist, initializes a new history. * Resets the timeout each time it's accessed. * * @param seed - The seed identifier for the message history * @returns The message history array */ function getMessageHistory(seed: string): ChatCompletionMessageParam[] { const existingHistory = seedMessageHistories.get(seed); if (existingHistory) { // Reset the timeout clearTimeout(existingHistory.timeout); existingHistory.timeout = setTimeout(() => { seedMessageHistories.delete(seed); console.log(`Cleared message history for seed: ${seed}`); send_sys_log(`Cleared message history for seed: ${seed}`); }, HISTORY_TIMEOUT_MS); return existingHistory.messages; } else { // Initialize new message history const messages: ChatCompletionMessageParam[] = []; const timeout = setTimeout(() => { seedMessageHistories.delete(seed); console.log(`Cleared message history for seed: ${seed}`); send_sys_log(`Cleared message history for seed: ${seed}`); }, HISTORY_TIMEOUT_MS); seedMessageHistories.set(seed, { messages, timeout }); return messages; } } /** * Sets the entire message history for a given seed. * * @param seed - The seed identifier for the message history * @param messages - The complete message history to set */ function setMessageHistory( seed: string, messages: ChatCompletionMessageParam[] ): void { const existingHistory = seedMessageHistories.get(seed); if (existingHistory) { clearTimeout(existingHistory.timeout); existingHistory.messages = messages; existingHistory.timeout = setTimeout(() => { seedMessageHistories.delete(seed); console.log(`Cleared message history for seed: ${seed}`); send_sys_log(`Cleared message history for seed: ${seed}`); }, HISTORY_TIMEOUT_MS); } else { const timeout = setTimeout(() => { seedMessageHistories.delete(seed); console.log(`Cleared message history for seed: ${seed}`); send_sys_log(`Cleared message history for seed: ${seed}`); }, HISTORY_TIMEOUT_MS); seedMessageHistories.set(seed, { messages, timeout }); } } /** * Appends a message to the message history for a given seed. * * @param seed - The seed identifier for the message history * @param message - The message to append */ function appendMessage( seed: string, message: ChatCompletionMessageParam ): void { console.log( "Appending message", message.content, "tool_calls" in message && message.tool_calls ); const history = seedMessageHistories.get(seed); if (history) { history.messages.push(message); // Reset the timeout clearTimeout(history.timeout); history.timeout = setTimeout(() => { seedMessageHistories.delete(seed); send_sys_log(`Cleared message history for seed: ${seed}`); console.log(`Cleared message history for seed: ${seed}`); }, HISTORY_TIMEOUT_MS); } } /** * The updated ask function with support for persistent message history via a seed. * Separates system prompt and user message to prevent duplication. * * @param params - The parameters for the ask function * @returns The response from the LLM API */ export async function ask({ model = "gpt-4o-mini", prompt, // System prompt message, // User input message (optional) name, tools, seed, }: { model?: string; prompt: string; message?: string; name?: string; tools?: RunnableToolFunctionWithParse[]; seed?: string; }): Promise { // Initialize OpenAI instances const openai = new OpenAI({ apiKey: ai_token, }); const groq = new OpenAI({ apiKey: groq_token, baseURL: groq_baseurl, }); // Initialize messages array with the system prompt let messages: ChatCompletionMessageParam[] = [ { role: "system", content: prompt, }, ]; if (seed && message) { // Retrieve existing message history const history = getMessageHistory(seed); // Combine system prompt with message history and new user message messages = [ { role: "system", content: prompt, }, ...history, { role: "user", content: message, name, }, ]; } else if (seed && !message) { // If seed is provided but no new message, just retrieve history const history = getMessageHistory(seed); messages = [ { role: "system", content: prompt, }, ...history, ]; } else if (!seed && message) { // If no seed but message is provided, send system prompt and user message without history messages.push({ role: "user", content: message, name, }); } let res: ChatCompletion; if (model === "groq-small") { res = await{ model: "llama-3.1-8b-instant", messages, }); if (res.usage) { saveApiUsage( new Date().toISOString().split("T")[0], model, res.usage.prompt_tokens, res.usage.completion_tokens ); } else { console.log("No usage data"); } // Handle response with seed if (seed && res.choices && res.choices.length > 0) { appendMessage(seed, res.choices[0].message); } return res; } if (tools?.length) { // Create a new runner with the current messages and tools const runner = .runTools({ model, messages, tools, }) .on("functionCall", (functionCall) => { send_sys_log(`ASK Function call: ${JSON.stringify(functionCall)}`); console.log("ASK Function call:", functionCall); }) .on("message", (message) => { // remove empty tool_calls array if ( "tool_calls" in message && message.tool_calls && message.tool_calls.length === 0 ) { message.tool_calls = undefined; delete message.tool_calls; } seed && appendMessage(seed, message); }) .on("totalUsage", (usage) => { send_sys_log( `ASK Total usage: ${usage.prompt_tokens} prompt tokens, ${usage.completion_tokens} completion tokens` ); console.log("ASK Total usage:", usage); saveApiUsage( new Date().toISOString().split("T")[0], model, usage.prompt_tokens, usage.completion_tokens ); }); // Await the final chat completion res = await runner.finalChatCompletion(); return res; } // Default behavior without tools res = await{ model, messages, }); if (res.usage) { saveApiUsage( new Date().toISOString().split("T")[0], model, res.usage.prompt_tokens, res.usage.completion_tokens ); } else { console.log("No usage data"); } // Handle response with seed if (seed && res.choices && res.choices.length > 0) { const assistantMessage = res.choices[0].message; appendMessage(seed, assistantMessage); } return res; } const transcriptionCacheFile = pathInDataDir("transcription_cache.json"); export async function get_transcription( file_url: string, binary?: boolean, key?: string ) { const openai = new OpenAI({ apiKey: ai_token, }); // Step 1: Check if the transcription for this file URL is already cached let transcriptionCache: Record = {}; // Try to read the cache file if it exists if (fs.existsSync(transcriptionCacheFile)) { const cacheData = fs.readFileSync(transcriptionCacheFile, "utf-8"); transcriptionCache = JSON.parse(cacheData); } if (binary) { // If transcription for this file_url is already in the cache, return it if (key && transcriptionCache[key]) { console.log("Transcription found in cache:", transcriptionCache[key]); return transcriptionCache[key]; } const binaryData = Buffer.from(file_url, "base64"); // fs.writeFile("/home/audio_whats.ogg", binaryData, function (err) {}); const filePath = `/tmp/audio${}.ogg`; fs.writeFileSync(filePath, new Uint8Array(binaryData)); // Step 3: Send the file to OpenAI's Whisper model const transcription = await{ model: "whisper-1", file: fs.createReadStream(filePath), }); // Delete the temp file fs.unlinkSync(filePath); // Step 4: Save the transcription to the cache key && (transcriptionCache[key] = transcription.text); fs.writeFileSync( transcriptionCacheFile, JSON.stringify(transcriptionCache, null, 2) ); console.log("Transcription:", transcription); return transcription.text; } // If transcription for this file_url is already in the cache, return it if (transcriptionCache[file_url]) { console.log("Transcription found in cache:", transcriptionCache[file_url]); return transcriptionCache[file_url]; } try { // Step 2: Download the file from the URL const response = await axios({ url: file_url, method: "GET", responseType: "stream", }); const filePath = `/tmp/audio${}.ogg`; // Save the downloaded file locally const writer = fs.createWriteStream(filePath);; await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { writer.on("finish", resolve); writer.on("error", reject); }); // Step 3: Send the file to OpenAI's Whisper model const transcription = await{ model: "whisper-1", file: fs.createReadStream(filePath), }); // Delete the temp file fs.unlinkSync(filePath); // Step 4: Save the transcription to the cache transcriptionCache[file_url] = transcription.text; fs.writeFileSync( transcriptionCacheFile, JSON.stringify(transcriptionCache, null, 2) ); console.log("Transcription:", transcription); return transcription.text; } catch (error) { console.error("Error transcribing audio:", error); } }