import { Client } from "minio"; import { z } from "zod"; if (!process.env.MINIO_ACCESS_KEY || !process.env.MINIO_SECRET_KEY) { throw new Error( "MINIO_ACCESS_KEY or MINIO_SECRET_KEY not found in environment variables" ); } // Initialize MinIO client const minioClient = new Client({ endPoint: "", port: 443, useSSL: true, accessKey: process.env.MINIO_ACCESS_KEY, secretKey: process.env.MINIO_SECRET_KEY, }); // Define schema for uploading file export const UploadFileParams = z.object({ bucketName: z.string().default("public").optional(), fileName: z.string().describe("make sure this is unique"), filePath: z .string() .describe( "put all files inside 'anya' directory by default unless user specifies otherwise" ), }); export type UploadFileParams = z.infer; // Define schema for getting file list export const GetFileListParams = z.object({ bucketName: z.string().default("public").optional(), }); export type GetFileListParams = z.infer; // Upload file to MinIO bucket and return public URL export async function upload_file({ bucketName = "public", fileName, filePath, }: UploadFileParams) { try { await minioClient.fPutObject(bucketName, fileName, filePath); const publicUrl = `${bucketName}/${fileName}`; return { publicUrl, }; } catch (error) { return { error: JSON.stringify(error), }; } } // Get list of all files in the bucket and return their public URLs export async function get_file_list({ bucketName = "public", }: GetFileListParams) { try { const fileUrls: string[] = []; const stream = await minioClient.listObjects(bucketName, "", true); for await (const obj of stream) { const fileUrl = `${bucketName}/${}`; fileUrls.push(fileUrl); } return fileUrls; } catch (error) { return { error: JSON.stringify(error), }; } }